
Dimension Eighty Eight has been steadily growing as a business since it was incorporated as a Private Limited Company on the 19th April 2011 by Companies House in Cardiff.

It has been an exciting time of developing the business to reach its long and short term goals for the future. There have been so many developments within the business that  I thought I would share a few with you all as current and potential clients.

In 2011 I Michael Coe decided to develop and run an HR and Training Company that encompassed all my business skills and knowledge to help Small Medium Enterprises to grow!

During my Retail Career I had been given opportunities to work alongside senior management teams and Directors to turn around underperforming stores and their teams back into profit. I was extremely successful at this and thrived on the challenges that I faced.

However in 2011 I began to think that I could use my skills and CIPD qualifications to develop other business sectors and so a eureka moment took place and I came up with the idea of Dimension Eighty Eight!

I wanted Dimension Eighty Eight to be different from other HR and Training companies by offering services which added real value and profitability to a business.

The results of my intervention by either HR or training had to be measurable and tangible by using Key performance indicators (KPI’s) such as sales / employee performance / Monetary Value in turnover and profitability. This I have achieved and my clients have seen increases in turnover which is great for their bank balances even in a recession!

In any business People are key to your success as a supplier of goods or services. I know without a doubt that people who are well trained and managed do help businesses to thrive. Early on in my career I recognized this and developed my teams by insisting on excellent training and backing up the business by good HR practices.

I am now pleased to be offering the same service as an HR and Training consultant to my clients through Dimension Eighty Eight.

Dimension Eighty Eight has also developed by working along side clients within the Veterinary industry by offering HR and Training services to Partners,Practice owners and their teams.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to observe behind the scenes of a Veterinary Practice and to gain a good understanding of the veterinary industry. By doing this I have been able to assist my clients by suggesting new business opportunities.

Dimension Eighty Eight is growing and developing and on 2nd December 2011 was registered as a brand name. I have been so fortunate to have received help and guidance in many forms and know that dimension 88 can help you and your business to grow!

Together as businesses we can grow!



About The Author


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